Guardians Of Dreams Foundation - biography, Category, Activity, Projects, Founder, Info

13 Dec, 2021 Last Update 3 years ago

Guardians of dreams

It is a non-profit enterprise that works with children who have grown up in day care centres (CCIs) such as orphanages, open houses, viewing platforms, and adoption facilities and are in need of care and custody. In the country of IHK, each urban area contains 5,000 children. The group has established a network of more than 250 CCIs in the districts of Bangalore, Chennai, and Ernakulam, reaching over 6,500 students under its current programme.

Guardian of dreams Overviews


Guardians of dreams

Types of Registration

Non-Governmental and non-profit Organization




Glory Benny

Mekha T

Sujith varkey

Area of Work

Care giving, Health care, Education, Infrastructure, Aftercare

Official Website


8, New Friend's Colony, 11th Main, 8th Cross, ST Bed Layout, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560047

Contact Details



  • Care giving
  • Health care
  • Education
  • Infrastructure
  • Aftercare

Date Of Foundation

  • 2015



Improve your existing orphanage infrastructure to meet basic  safety, hygiene and hygiene standards. The focus is on making better use of space  and creating a child-friendly home. Program Phase Undergoing in Bangalore, Chennai, Ernakulam District


Educational volunteers providing tutoring for 6 weeks after school to improve reading and computing skills up to grade 5 and enable children to learn outcomes in the upper grades The network is ready. Program Phase Pilot

Healthcare & Nutrition

conducted in Bangalore An annual health checkup for all children, nutrition planning and training for cooks, and a counseling network that provides monthly consultations for all KKI11 children. Establishment of Program Phase Not Started | The Hiring Open


The program provides access to talented and skilled caregivers through scholarships that attract talented individuals to work as caretakers for 10 children at orphanages  or as operations managers. The purpose is to improve. This helps change the quality of orphanages  and dramatically improve the quality of care for children. Program Phase Not Started | Recruiting Open


Build a network of mentors to guide children through critical transitions and provide financial support and identity to children to access their rights and opportunities. Program Phase Underway in Bangalore, Chennai, Ernakulam districts


Infrastructure Upgrade

Nurseries can meet basic standards for safety, hygiene, hygiene and space use The program conducts a needs analysis of children's homes that require  infrastructure modernization, determines the scope of refurbishment and planning considering the needs of stakeholders, and ensures the  durability and cleanliness of the room. Estimate the cost of materials to be used and support the implementation of projects and programs through partnerships with architects and contractors.


Projects Completed: 6 homes

Projects In Progress: 1 home

Total Project Spend: INR 55,00,000 E-Learning

Scholastic Awards

To ensure that 10th and 12th grade students receive guidance and support when they leave home.

They fund the top 50  students in each district for excellent academic achievement in the 10th and 12th board exams. This is an unlimited prize given for their diligence and patience, despite their adversity. In addition,  through a network of mentors who guide in key transition phases, students receive guidance and exposure and assist in obtaining identification that gives them  access to rights and opportunities.


Awarded: 374 students

Total Spend: Rs. 93,50,000"

After-School Tutoring

To ensure that our children are of science excellence

Achieve fair learning outcomes as quickly as possible by voluntary intervention six days a week  during  daily study hours in day care facilities (close school-level gaps and improve access to school learning) To do). We focus on 15th grade children  and make sure their reading and computing skills match those of other children of the same age before entering middle school.


127 children

60 teaching volunteers

16 hours / child / week

2 Child Care Institutions (St. Marys, Cooke Town)

Guardians of dreams founder

Guardians of dreams was initiated in 2015 by Glory Benny, Mekha T & Sujith varkey

Guardians of dreams Info

8, New Friend's Colony, 11th Main, 8th Cross, ST Bed Layout, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560047