Who Was Hallie Scruggs? Pastor's daughter, one of the victims in Nashville school mass shooting

28 Mar, 2023 Last Update 1 year ago

Today our blog is about Hailey Scruggs, who was shot and killed inside a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. There you can get all the details related to this event. Our Blog covers-Who Was Hallie Scruggs? And all the related data.

Who Was Hallie Scruggs? - Hallie Scruggs wiki

Who Was Hallie Scruggs?

Hallie Scruggs was one of the 6 victims, who was shot and killed inside a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. On Monday, 27 March 2023, Hallie Scruggs and other victims were killed. She was the young daughter of a local pastor. In this blog, you will read about Who Was Holly Scruggs? Pastor's daughter among victims in Nashville school mass shooting.

Pastor's daughter- Hallie Scruggs Father

Hallie Scruggs's father's name is Chad Scruggs. Chad Scruggs is pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville. She was the younger daughter of Chad Scruggs. Read on to learn about the age of Hallie Scruggs, the victim of the Nashville school mass shooting.

What was the age of Hallie Scruggs? - Hallie Scruggs Age

Hallie Scruggs Age

Hallie Scruggs, one of 3 children killed in the sickening school shooting, was the 9-year-old girl of Chad Scruggs, senior pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Who Was Hallie Scruggs? Wiki, school, Father, Murder date, Murder place

Real Name

Hallie Scruggs


Chad Scruggs

Hallie Scruggs Age


Death date

27 March 2023

Murder place

A  private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee


Audrey Hale




Who Was Hallie Scruggs? – Shooter Audrey Hale

Police identified the shooter as a former student at the school named Audrey Hale. Who was 28 years old. According to police, the shooter was armed with "at least" 2 assault rifles and a handgun during the attack. Audrey was a brilliant student, set to graduate in 2022 from Nashville's Nosy College of Design and Art. Audrey was a graphic designer and has served several companies in the creation of their brand logos and websites. Audrey Hale's mother, Norma Hale, appears to be a gun control activist. Police officers later killed Audrey Hale on the spot.

 FAQ About Who Was Hallie Scruggs?

Q.1 Who was Hallie Scruggs?

Ans. Hallie Scruggs, one of 3 children killed in the sickening school shooting. She was the younger daughter of Chad Scruggs.

Q.2 How old was Hallie Scruggs?

Ans. She was 9 years old.

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