उद्यानिकी के विकास हेतु यंत्रीकरण को बढ़ावा देने की योजना का स्वरुप (Scheme To Promote Mechanization For The Development Of Horticulture)

03 Jan, 2022 Last Update 3 years ago

Scheme To Promote Mechanization For The Development Of Horticulture

Due to the high unit cost of modern equipment used in growing horticultural crops, ordinary farmers cannot use it. Currently, the National Horticultural Mission provides 50 percent or a maximum grant of Rs 1.50 lakh per farmer for mechanization.

Scheme To Promote Mechanization For Horticultural Development Overview

It is not possible to buy and use expensive equipment used for horticulture by the farmer. Therefore, farmers or producer associations who wish to use modern machines in horticultural crops will be given 50 percent of the unit cost of such machines or up to a maximum of Rs 50 lakhs.

उद्यानिकी के विकास हेतु यंत्रीकरण को बढ़ावा देने की योजना

Scheme Name

Scheme to promote mechanization for the development of horticulture


Agriculture Equipment

Payment Information

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All Farmer Eligible

Blog Update

January, 2022

उद्यानिकी के विकास हेतु यंत्रीकरण को बढ़ावा देने की योजना का स्वरुप

The greenhouse, the shade net house and the plastic tunnel etc. will be constructed in accordance with the grant criteria established by the National Mission of Horticulture and the drawing design established by the National Committee on the Use of Plasticulture in Horticulture (NCPAH). Whenever there is a change in the grant from the National Horticultural Mission, the following fees will automatically change accordingly. If for any reason the Government of India does not grant approval, the administrative department will be authorized to review the rates.

Grant payable for horticultural development

Farmers who want to use modern machinery in horticultural crops are awarded 50 percent or more of the unit cost of such machines as a subsidy.

S.No. Hoisting Machinery Maximum Grant (Amount in Rs.)

30000.00 for Potato Plant / Digger

2. Garlic / Onion, Planter / Digger 30000.00

7. 75000.00 for Tector Mounted Ageblast Sprayer

20000.00 for Power Operator Pruning Machine

5. 10000.00 for fogging machine

6. Mulch Laying Machine 30000.00

7. 75000.00 for power tiller

8. 50000.00 for power weeder

9. Tector with Rotavator (maximum up to 20 HP) 150000.00

10. Onion / Garlic Marker 500.00

11. Post hold dinner 50000.00

12. Tree Pruner 45000.00

13. Plant Hedge Trimmer 35000.00

14. Mist blower 30000.00

15. Power Spray Pump 25000.00


S.No. Hoisting Machinery Maximum Grant (Amount in Rs.)

30000.00 for Potato Plant / Digger

2. Garlic / Onion, Planter / Digger 30000.00

7. 75000.00 for Tector Mounted Ageblast Sprayer

20000.00 for Power Operator Pruning Machine

5. 10000.00 for fogging machine

6. Mulch Laying Machine 30000.00

7. 75000.00 for power tiller

8. 50000.00 for power weeder

9. Tector with Rotavator (maximum up to 20 HP) 150000.00

10. Onion / Garlic Marker 500.00

11. Post hold dinner 50000.00

12. Tree Pruner 45000.00

13. Plant Hedge Trimmer 35000.00

14. Mist blower 30000.00

15. Power Spray Pump 25000.00


S.No. Hoisting Machinery Maximum Grant (Amount in Rs.)

30000.00 for Potato Plant / Digger

2. Garlic / Onion, Planter / Digger 30000.00

7. 75000.00 for Tector Mounted Ageblast Sprayer

20000.00 for Power Operator Pruning Machine

5. 10000.00 for fogging machine

6. Mulch Laying Machine 30000.00

7. 75000.00 for power tiller

8. 50000.00 for power weeder

9. Tector with Rotavator (maximum up to 20 HP) 150000.00

10. Onion / Garlic Marker 500.00

11. Post hold dinner 50000.00

अनुदान सहायता का विवरण निम्रानुसार है-

क्र.    घटक                          इकाई                   अनुमानित           प्रस्तावित       अधिकतम      रिमार्क


                                                                         इकाई                अनुदान           अनुदान


                                                                                                  सहायक दर     राशि (रु.)                                                                                                                                                     (प्रतिशत)  


ग्रीन हाऊस ढांचा

1. अ- पंखा एवं पेड प्रणाली प्रति वर्ग मीटर         1465                   50                 732.50      प्रति कृषक 4000 वर्ग मीटर तक

ब- ट्यूबलर ढ़ांचा          प्रति वर्ग मीटर         935                    50                  467.50     प्रति कृषक 1000 वर्ग मीटर तक

छायादार जाली गृह (शेड नेट हाऊस)

2. ट्यूबलरी ढांचा            प्रति वर्ग मीटर          600                     50                  300.00     प्रति कृषक 4000 वर्ग मीटर तक

3. प्लास्टिक मल्चिंग       प्रति हे.                    20000                50                 10000.00 प्रति कृषक 2 हेक्टेयर तक

4. प्लास्टिक टनल           प्रति वर्ग मीटर         30                       50                 15.00         प्रति कृषक 4000 वर्ग मीटर तक

5. पक्षीरोधी/ओलारोधी जाली  प्रति वर्ग मीटर   20                       50                10.00         प्रति कृषक 1000 वर्ग मीटर तक

6.  पॉली हाऊस/शेडनेट में    प्रति वर्ग मीटर      105                     50                 52.50        प्रति कृषक 4000 वर्ग मीटर तक

उगाई गई उच्च मूल्य सब्जियों

की आदान सामग्री की लागत

7. पॉली हाऊस/शेडनेट   प्रति वर्ग मीटर           500                     50                250.50       प्रति कृषक 4000 वर्ग मीटर तक

में उगाई गई फलों की

आदान सामग्री की लागत

Conditions to take advantage of the benefits of the regimes

  • All eligible farmers

Procedure / method to obtain benefits from this schemes

Contact the Horticulture Department of the District Office.

For more information, contact the Senior Horticultural Development Officer / Rural Horticulture Extension Officer in your area or the district Assistant Director of Gardens.

PDF for Scheme – Click Here

Other Scheme – Savedaughters Yojana