SSC GD Syllabus 2022 - Pattern, syllabus, subjects, eligibility, passing marks, PET, PST

13 Jan, 2022 Last Update 3 years ago

SSC GD Syllabus 2022

To begin your preparation for the upcoming General Duty Constable Exam, you must first review the SSC GD Syllabus. Candidates can design a well-mannered approach for the upcoming SSC GD and prepare in a systematic manner with the aid of the SSC GD exam pattern and curriculum. Along with the official announcement, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the SSC GD Syllabus & Exam Pattern for the position of constable.

Because the announcement for Constable positions will be announced on February 22, 2023, candidates who wish to participate in the recruitment process should begin their preparation for SSC GD 2022 with the most recent SSC GD Exam Pattern and Syllabus. The most recent SSC GD Constable syllabus was published in the official SSC GD announcement, and we have summarised it in this page for your convenience.

SSC GD Syllabus 2022 Overview

SSC GD Syllabus 2022 Highlights

Name of Examination

SSC GD 2022

Post Name

General Duty Constable 

Type of Exam

• CBE – Online Test
• PET, PST & DME – Offline/ Physical Test

Duration of Online Exam

90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes)

Language of Online Exam

• English
• Hindi

Maximum Marks (Online Exam)

100 marks


SSC GD Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Selection Process

Computer-Based Examination (CBE)

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

Physical Standard Test (PST)

Detailed Medical Examination (DME)

Type of Questions (Online Exam)

All questions of CBE will be of Objective type (MCQs)

Marking Scheme

1 mark for each correct answer

Negative Marking

0.25 negative marking for wrong answers


SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern 2022

The Tier 1 exam is an online, multiple-choice based exam, according to the SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern.

  • There are four portions to the exam, totaling 100 questions.
  • The SSC GD Constable Tier I examination lasts 90 minutes.
  • The Computer Based Examination (CBE) is only offered in two languages: English and Hindi.
  • In the SSC GD online test, each incorrect answer receives 0.25 negative marking.
  • The online examination will consist of questions from a High School (10th) level.


No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Exam Duration

General Intelligence & Reasoning



90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes)

General Knowledge & General Awareness



Elementary Mathematics



English/ Hindi







SSC GD Constable Syllabus 2022

To begin preparing for the SSC GD Constable Online Exam 2022, the candidate should be conversant with the following topics, which are explained topic by topic below. Make a note of this page so you don't miss any of the topics that come up during your preparation.

Syllabus for SSC GD (General Intelligence & Reasoning)

This portion will feature questions that will assess the candidate's analytical abilities as well as their ability to recognise and discern nonverbal type patterns. This section's questions will cover the following topics:

  1. Analogies
  2. Similarities and differences
  3. Spatial visualization
  4. Spatial orientation
  5. Visual memory
  6. Discrimination
  7. Observation
  8. Relationship concepts
  9. Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification
  10. Arithmetic number series
  11. Non- verbal series
  12. Figural Classification
  13. Coding and decoding

Syllabus for SSC GD (GK & GS)

This portion will test the candidate's general knowledge (GK) of the day-to-day activities in the area. The candidate must have a broad understanding of current events (events) as well as ordinary observations and experiences in their scientific context, as any educated individual would.

Questions about India and its neighbours, particularly about Pakistan, will be included in the test.

  1. Sports
  2. History
  3. Culture
  4. Geography
  5. Economic Scene
  6. General Polity
  7. Indian Constitution
  8. Scientific Research

Syllabus for SSC GD (Elementary Mathematics)

This section will address subjects that are appropriate for high school students. This section necessitates much practise with tricky question speed and precision. The mathematical questions will be based on the themes listed below.

  1. Number Systems
  2. Problems Related to Numbers
  3. Computation of Whole Numbers
  4. Decimals and Fractions
  5. Relationship between Numbers
  6. Fundamental arithmetical operations
  7. Percentages
  8. Ratio and Proportion
  9. Averages
  10. Interest
  11. Profit and Loss
  12. Discount
  13. Mensuration
  14. Time and Distance
  15. Ratio and Time
  16. Time and Work

Syllabus for SSC GD (English)

The candidates' ability to grasp and comprehend basic English would be assessed. Regardless of whether you choose to appear in English or Hindi, this portion will only be available in English for all applicants.

  1. Fill in the blanks
  2. Error Spotting
  3. Phrase Replacement
  4. Synonyms & Antonyms
  5. Cloze Test
  6. Phrase and idioms meaning
  7. Spellings
  8. One Word Substitution
  9. Reading comprehension

Syllabus for SSC GD (Hindi)

  1. संधि और संधि विच्छेद
  2. उपसर्ग
  3. प्रत्यय
  4. पर्यायवाची शब्द
  5. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
  6. सामासिक पदों की रचना और समास विग्रह
  7. विपरीतार्थक (विलोम) शब्द
  8. शब्द-युग्म
  9. वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द
  10. संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना
  11. अनेकार्थक शब्द
  12. वाक्य-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शुद्धिकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण
  13. वाच्य : कर्तृवाच्य, कर्मवाच्य और भाववाच्य प्रयोग
  14. क्रिया : सकर्मक, अकर्मक और पूर्वकालिक क्रियाएँ
  15. शब्द-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण
  16. अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द
  17. सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण और हिंदी वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में रूपांतरण
  18. कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान

SSC GD Constable PET

Candidates who achieve a score higher than the cut-off for the SSC GD Online exam will be qualified to take the Physical Efficiency Test, for which SSC has established guidelines.

For Physical Efficiency Test (PET)


For Male Candidates

For Female Candidates


5 km in 24 minutes

1.6 Km in 8(1/2) minutes


Pregnancy at the time of the PET will be deemed a disqualification, and pregnant female applicants would be refused.

Ex-servicemen who are shortlisted in the Computer Based Examination must just attend the PET/PST stage to have their height, chest, and weight measured. Ex-servicemen applicants will not be subjected to a PET. They will also be required to pass a medical exam (DME).

SSC GD Constable PST

For Physical Standard Test (PST)

Following the PET, the Physical Standard Test will be used to select individuals based on physical characteristics such as height, chest size, and vision. Candidates who pass this step will be summoned for a medical test. The following details have been discussed:

Physical standards laid down for the post of Constable/Rifleman are:

Minimum Height Required for SSC GD Constable

For Male Candidates

For Female Candidates

General, SC & OBC



Scheduled Tribes



Schedule Tribe candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura and Naxal/ Left Wing Extremism affected districts



Candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura



Candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the States of Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir




Minimum Chest Required for SSC GD Constable

For Male Candidates

For Female Candidates

General, SC & OBC

80/ 5


Scheduled Tribes

76 / 5


Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the States of Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir

78 / 5


candidates hailing from North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura

77 / 5



Visual Acuity Unaided

Uncorrected Visual Acuity


Color Vision

Near Vision

Distant Vision

Better Eye

 Worse Eye

 Better Eye

 Worse Eye



 6 / 6 

6 / 9 

Visual correction of any kind is not permitted even by glasses
