Why education is important for girls??

05 Jul, 2021 Last Update 1 year ago

Girls edcuation is important because there are many reasons behind girls' education. At this time around 31 million don’t have access to primary education.to provide education to girls improves a country’s social and economic well-being.

Educated girls become educated women and they know the value of schooling and keeps education is first priority and provide better education and health care to their children.

Here are various reasons why girls getting educated is more important??


Educating girls improves the economy of the country

if girls are able to go to school and colleges then she is able to earn money and produce goods and services it increases the economy growth 1 %.


Independent women

If girls are educated then she is not depending on their family and husband. she has no responsibility to ask anything from anybody. she can live her own life.


Save from child  marriages

A girl getting higher education improves the life of a girl and prevents child marriages. there are many disadvantages of child marriage, girls put at higher risk like early pregnancy and many more for which she is not able.


Prevent natural disasters and climate change

 if she is educated then she is capable to reduced harm to families from unconditional disasters and change of environment. Because educated girls can provide a better quality to their children and family member to prepare for their better life. Deaths due to disaster could be reduced by 60 percent by 2050 if 70 percent of women aged 20–40 complete primary school.


Educating girls may Decrease the  rate of HIV/AIDS and malaria

Educating a girl may have more knowledge about how HIV is contracted and spread.

If all girls are highly educated then we would expect fewer young adults were new cases of HIV infection each year, or 7 million fewer in a decade.

As for malaria, if all mothers completed secondary education the odds that children would carry malaria parasites would be 36 percent lower.

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